Whakaahua MāoriMāori Portraits
Gottfried Lindauer was New
Zealand's leading painter of Māori in the 19th century,
in both portraits and in scenes of Māori life. He produced many
hundreds of individual portraits, commissioned by both Māori and
Pākehā. Because so many of the Māori men and women Lindauer
portrayed were tribal leaders and well-known figures, they are
central to the history of Aotearoa New Zealand. Many of the
portraits that are now in public collections are gathered
here. Each one includes information about the sitter which will
grow as you share your comments and stories, increasing the
storehouse of knowledge on them.
Ana Reupene Whetuki and Child
Heeni Hirini and child [previously known as Ana Rupene and child]
Ana Rupene and Child
Eru Tamaikoha Te Ariari
Eruera Maihi Patuone
Hakopa Te Ata o Tu
Hamiora Tu
Henare Potae
Heta Te Haara
H M Rangitakaiwaho, Rangitira Ngati Kahungunu, Wairarapa NZ
Hon Hori Kerei Taiaroa, MLC
Hon. Sir James Carroll
Hone Heke
Horeta Te Taniwha
Hori Kingi Te Anaua
Hori Ngakapa Te Whanaunga
Huria Matenga
Huria Matenga Ngarongoa
Ihaka Whanga
Kamariera Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa
Kewene Te Haho
King Tawhiao Potatau Te Wherowhero
Kuinioroa, daughter of Rangi Kopinga - Te Rangi Pikinga
Major Waata Kukutai
Maori girl
Māori Portrait
Mere Kuru Te Kati
Mr Paramena
Mrs Mihiterina Takamoana, Napier NZ
Mrs Paramena
Paora Tuhaere
Paora Tuhaere
Paratene Te Manu
Pare Watene
Pera Tutoko
Rangi Topeora
Rapata Wahawaha
Ratene Hihitawa
Renata Kawepo, Tama Ki Hikurangi
Retimana Te Mania
Rewi Manga Maniapoto
Ruka Aratapu
Takerei Rauangaanga
Tamati Ngapora Manuhiri
Tamati Pirimona Marino
Tamati Waka Nene
Tamati Waka Te Puhi
Tamihana Te Hoia, Paramount Chief of the Ngati Huia Tribe
Taonui Hikaka
Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhia
Tawhiao Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero
Te Hapuku
Te Hira Te Kawau
Te Paea Hinerangi
Tokena Te Kerehi
Tomika Te Mutu
Tomika Te Mutu, chief of the Ngaiterangi tribe, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Tuhoto Ariki
Wahanui Reihana Te Huatare
Whetoi Pomare
Whitiora Te Kumete
Wi Parata Te Kakakura
Wi Tako Ngatata
Wi Te Manewha
Wiremu Kingi
Wiremu Nera Te Awaitaia
Wiremu Tamihana
Maori Children Playing Knucklebones
Fire Making
Digging with the Ko
The Time of Kai
The Tohunga-ta-moko at Work
Tohunga under Tapu
Women Weaving
Maoris Plaiting Flax Baskets