Terms of Use

Nga whakamahuki

Whakamīharo Lindauer Online accounts are intended for our members to share their stories and talk with other

The following Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of Whakamīharo Lindauer Online.

  • Be respectful
    This is a community of many types of people, with different beliefs and understanding. Please be respectful of the content online and the feeling of others when taking part in the community.
  • Credit where credit is due
    Respect the copyright of others. If you are quoting from someone else or a publication please ensure that you include a credit.
  • Do moderate your content and others
    Please take time to ensure your content is correct and appropriate for the area you are submitting it to. We also encourage our community to let us know if they find content they think may be inappropriate. You can contact us through the website and we will evaluate the content and moderate where we feel this is necessary.
  • Enjoy it and own it!
    we have created this website for the community that use it. Please enjoy it and spend time on it.

In Conclusion
We've crafted these guidelines to ensure that everyone within the community has the experience they want. It's important that you understand the importance of moderating your content responsibly.

If you ever have any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to drop us a line at lindaueronline@aucklandartgallery.govt.nz

The Whakamīharo Lindauer Online team

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